While working on some personal logistics this Monday morning, I found myself composing the infamous 'About Me' of our lives. My to-do list also included writing a new post for the blog and because of that prior exercise, ideas flowed fast. Being around here for long, you might know me a little or virtually a lot, but perhaps THIS wasn't enough to let you know about US. We may be the #Agamit, but who are we? Well, now you know -
1. Starting with the very basic. (In case you are new here) My name's Agam and his name's Amit Rabab Singh.
2. We were batch-mates through school, lost touch post that, met again while we were in college, dated for about ten years and have been married for ten months now. Touchwood!
3. While you know what I do, Amit too is an entrepreneur and has his own company. He is into skill development for the banking and financial sector.
4. We both are Pisces. Our birth dates are a week apart and I'm a week elder to him.
Tips To Manage Frizzy Hair This Monsoon
5. We were in a long distance relationship for about three years and after that too we were in different cities. As tough as it might have been, it strengthened our relationship and us like no other.
6. I wouldn't call Amit a fashion aficionado. But he undoubtedly has a great sense of style. He strongly believes in investing in statement pieces and his taste in shoes and bags is unmatched.
7. We both have sisters' as siblings. Amit has a younger sister while I have an elder sister.
8. He's a self confessed food and wine connoisseur while my food barometer is quite dismissive and I barely know my Malbee from Merlot.
9. This might get categorized as being a cliche, but I am the temperamental one between the two of us. He is pretty much always calm and composed and hence always the peacemaker.
10. Being in the profession that I am in and being a 'geographically distant' boyfriend, I sometimes missed having him as the 'photographer boyfriend'. Request you to kindly not judge me quite literally here but get the drill. Now, Amit himself is camera shy but has recently developed a penchant for photography. My Instagram's a proof. And now I can finally say with pride "I love that man behind the camera!"
Wearing -
Top - H&M
Skirt and Sunglasses - Forever 21
Booties - ALDO
Thank you for stopping by...
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